Park Hyatt Tokyo
When Tokyo’s most iconic hotel, famed for being the setting of the movie “Lost in Translation”, decided to develop its Instagram it only had one goal: become No.1. In a few months, that’s what we built their Instagram account @parkhyatttokyo in to.
Starting with a following of 9.2k, our goal was become the leading hotel account in Tokyo and Japan. Over 3 months in the summer of 2017 we created new content and made a new clean and coordinated feed, working daily to grow the account to 20.5k – No.1 in the country.
We returned for a second 3-month management contract in 2018, growing the account past the 30k mark to consolidate the No.1 position, with like rates topping 10% per image, well above the industry average of 3%, and frequent messages confirming direct conversion to actual bookings.
Following the success of both campaigns we provided masterclass group presentations to the Hyatt Group across Japan and Korea to help in-house marketing staff learn from @parkhyatttokyo how they could improve their own Instagram accounts, make them stand out, and create a community of followers that are likely to visit.
Plus Alpha is a Social Media Management and Content Creation agency, working all around the globe.
Please ask us anything, anytime, about new projects or new ideas.
Whatsapp: +81 090 9800 6515